Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rock the Universe...Orlando

An evening of fabulous fun!! Last weekend, I attended Rock the Universe in Orlando-an event I have been wanting to go to for years...and finally. I wanted to go so bad...that I was even going to go alone if needed. I could not believe the amount of people that came out for the night to watch, sing and worship with these incredibly talented artists. I will admit, while I did enjoy the entire night...Third Day rocked it for me. I absolutely am in love with their music...their lyrics..their energy. I knew every word to every song and I could not stand still. Mac Powell was on it....acknowledging and involving his fans. Their performance was at the smaller stage...which set the atmosphere and gave a very intimate and warm show. I also thought it was incredibly cool how they mentioned their kids & families had been down for the week living it up at the Disney parks..vacation and work all in one...very family orientated.  I was especially moved when Red sang "Not Alone" my favorite songs...and got down on his knees to give glory and praise. I was over-the-top looking forward to dragging my best friend to Hard Rock, as she has never been....but was slightly disappointed that it was closed for a private party. However- our weekend was a blast! I will definitely be returning next year...if even alone! ;)

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