Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chicago I love you

 Excuse me for posting so many of my photos of thee lovely Chicago; but as I said, I love Chicago. Raised in the mid-west.....I was born in the beautiful state of Wisconsin. City-girl, country-girl, all in one. All these years and I can't decide which I claim, nor which I like better. Yes, I am a Wisconsinite. Yes, I am a Cheesehead. Go Packers.  I can correctly spell and pronounce Milwaukee (lived there, shopped there, have relatives there). I can correctly spell and pronounce Oconomowoc. Yes, my parents idea of "landscape" was having a dairy cow next to the Blue Spruce. Yes, I have driven a snow mobile. I've skied, ice-fished, shot a rifle, turkey hunted, deer hunted, stood in a deer stand, shot a bow, rode a toboggan, milked a cow. I've been to a Brewer's game, a Packer's game, a Badger's game, the state capitol (go Mad-town), shined for deer (anyone need an explanation of that one?), ice skated on lakes, did donuts in cars on lakes (don't know WHAT we were thinking) and ate Friday night fish fries. I learned to drive a tractor before the training wheels were off my bike. True Wisconsinite. High Five. Holler.
 Growing up, we also did a lot of driving South. South took us to thee hoppin city of Chicago. I still love that great city. My favorite time to visit is this time of year. Michigan Avenue to be precise. Filled with snow, oodles of holiday decor, holiday lights, shopping, museums, restaurants, lot's of  busy people drinking lot's of coffee busily walking down Michigan (that's Chicago talk for Michigan Ave). Culture. Diversity. My favvvvorite. Now, just how did I make my home 1300 miles South of the Sunshine State....where there is no snow? That my friends, is a story saved for another day. I must like to drive South. :o)

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