My first, ever garden- all organic-and the first "fruit" of my labor only after one week -green bean! Eggplant, carrots, onions, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes & lavender should soon be appearing. In the center of the garden is my dill, chives and sweet basil that I started from seeds indoors. Apparently, some herbs (and flowers-hence the lavender) repel critters & bugs from eating and eventually destroying your veggies. I first plotted off my area for the garden. It is relatively small as it's my first one and I didn't want know what to expect or how it would take. It's maybe 4ft w x 8ft l. I then placed a plastic tarp for a few weeks over this area to deaden the grass. Then the digging (a lot of it!) began~ this was the hardest~ as I dug out all the dead grass and additionally another 4-5 inches deep of dirt. I used two bags of Lambert's all organic garden soil and one bag of all organic cow manure compost. I would have liked to have found horse or cow manure from a local farm, but ran out of time. I used all organic seeds. The entire process maybe cost me thirty to thirty five dollars. I am just so excited. I have always wanted an organic garden and after moving into my house a year ago- I have the most perfect area and backyard. A true blessing. I am an advocate of all natural, pesticide & chemical free and do not even use harsh chemicals in my home. I only use apple cider vinegar mixed with water & a little drizzle of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle for most cleaning. My organic garden will save me quite a bit of money as typically my budget doesn't really allow me to buy all organic at the markets. Stay tuned.....I will be posting pictures!
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