Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Randomness around our house lately:  My precious Compassion International angel Lourde, who I sponsor, pray for and love very much. Someday I am taking a group trip to Haiti and going to meet her. Someday, I will share with you, how "I" chose her (after much prayer and wait-I was showed many signs, all in one day-BAM- there was her picture and all answers lined up!); a plane on my morning walk which reminds me of the quote by C.S. Lewis:  "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"; hello birdie on another morning walk; I am in awe of this abandoned bird nest that was in a hedge outside my front door-the elements and intricacy amaze me...notice the string and the screen fragments??....this reminded me of Matthew 6:26...that we do not need to be worried in life-if a bird has God's given innate ability to build it's own nest....He will most certainly take care of us!!; a morning walk sunrise; our Foxy girl in her eyeshadow glam..this little girl sits next to me every morning while I get ready for work and just stares at me...she gazes and watches me put on my glam- so why not???  HA HA...she is a trooper and we love her-and for the record..I do not put on my eyeshadow to that extreme depth....but I wanted it to show against that brown fur!; my beautiful daughter Jess strumming her guitar on a sweet day; artwork by my talented son Nich- he is natural, all free style-each one of my children have such natural, amazing, artistic talent; my first attempt at making  frozen yogurt pops infused with fresh banana chunks-turned out yummy- I am partial to the vanilla ones; and finally- that incredible fall sunset last night......right out my front door.  Notice the tree that takes the shape of a heart on the left?? I love it.  Long story- but God has definitely placed me where he wants me...I have had so many signs since moving into this house last year. It is perfect! 

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