Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Greetings and Happy September!! favorite time of year. I can't wait to break out my jeans, sweaters and boots and overly indulge in anything pumpkin spiced!  A busy last few months....I underwent some surgery, experienced some minor complications, took some time to heal, re-enrolled to pursue my B.S. in Social Work....along with my full time job, volunteering, an occasional part-time job doing some contract work for a local children's advocacy center, being a mom & managing a home.....Whew......I have been busy and MIA!  I am hoping to carve out ten minutes a few times a week and remember to maintain this blog! It is quite therapeutic actually and allows me to be somewhat creative......which I love!

My view from my front porch......
September Sky: 

   Hurricane Isaac's Fury:


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